President’s Report June 2024

After completing a successful Term 2 we are now ready to start Term 3 and the second half of 2024.


I would like to thank the following leaders who will not be continuing with their courses next term. Their dedication and commitment has been appreciated by us all. 


Bob Law, with the help of Jean Christine has organised Table Board Games for some years, and people have enjoyed the challenge of the games as well as enjoying the social aspect of the afternoons. 


Peter Berry has organised Wednesday films for a couple of years now. People who have attended his film sessions have appreciated the thought that has gone into choosing the very enjoyable films.


It was also with sadness that we learnt of the death of Susannah Muddle, who was a member of U3A Aldinga a few years ago. We offer our condolences to her husband, Nigel, and family.


I have received word from Judith Lowe, who has led workshops and presentations for the Wellbeing Program, that the City of Onkaparinga is looking for community members who are passionate about promoting positive ageing to join the Every Generation Onkaparinga (EGO) Advisory Group. It is a volunteering opportunity with significant impact, to give back, stay connected, and positively influence the lives of others. Information is available at regarding eligibility, application and the time commitment involved in the group. You may also contact Justin Ifould, Community Development Officer, Ageing Communities on 83840120 or email


I have had a request from Neville Hudson, who organises the Lecture Series, for an assistant, who is willing to step in should Neville be unable to act as leader at a particular session. It would involve setting up the room and laptop, and introducing and thanking the speaker. Please contact Neville if you would like to help him.


I would like to remind members of the importance of attending courses that you have requested to join. I realise this is not always possible, but an apology is always appreciated by the leader.


Have a great Term 3. Nola van Dam