President’s Report March 2024

We are already part way through 2024, and I wonder where the time goes too, and why, as I become older, time seems to go by even faster.


All courses are running well, with keen and committed members and dedicated leaders. The new ‘Living Well Matters’ course has started successfully, with plenty of information and activities to help people live a full and healthy life.


There will be a new course next term, ‘Popular Song Lyrics’, led by Ron Dearing.  So for all those people who think and wonder about the lyrics of different songs, this is definitely the course for you.


The booklet will continue in printed form, as the feedback from Course Leaders show that most people prefer the booklet, rather than receive a newsletter/course details online.


However, I think that it would be a good idea to review the information on our website, and perhaps expand it, in order to give our new members a current overview of courses.  You can view our website at or just search for ‘U3A Aldinga’.


We have also reviewed our use of the internet as a tool to ensure the smooth running of Aldinga U3A. At the moment Course Leaders use emails to disseminate information to their members. Also more people are emailing Helen with details of the courses they would like to attend rather than fill in the yellow sheet. And people are using bank transfer options for paying their fees rather than cash payments.


Ever onwards!


Have a great Term 2.

Nola van Dam